Chaperoning & DBS
Whether you have an existing 'live' DBS or your DBS has recently been processed, everyone is required to have a Chaperone Licence.
For Essex County Council, documentation is to be uploaded together with references. For a full explanation please visit
For Redbridge, documentation to be uploaded and a telephone interview will take place. For more explanation please visit
It is imperative you action your request for a chaperone licence asap as they take some time to complete. Chaperone licences require 2 references therefore please have your references ready.
Copies of all licences to be forwarded to for our records.
What's expected of a chaperone
Attached is a document which you will find useful about the role of the chaperone.
For anyone who is chaperoning for the first time, please do chat to our seasoned chaperones for their on the ground experience.
Please do not under estimate the role of the chaperone, it is vital in ensuring the smooth running of any performance and helping bring the vision and spirit of Stage One alive.
Please read below the Chaperone Info from Essex County Council.